Noema means "the meaning"and derives from Noema's cornerstone that the meaning of life is to eat well, drink well, together with old and new friends and this is exactly what they strive for in the kitchen and atmosphere.
Noema lives in the historic Shell House, which was built in 1927 and today is also the headquarters of the real estate company Wallenstam.
Noema is a culinary oasis where flavors are transformed into works of art and elegance meets gastronomic creativity. The menu is structured around seasonal dishes that encourage sharing to create a community around the table.
Here one can find custom-built wine and meat/charcuterie displays tastefully clad in special stainless steel in a bronze shade with hand-wrapped leather handles as well as refrigerated bar counters, neutral stainless steel, complete kitchen refrigeration etc. adapted to match the environment and atmosphere in the beautiful facility, all delivered by Haglund Industri.